Finding your own way in life can be filled with adventure, ups and downs, ease and challenge. The core element we all share is a desire and seeking to be as true to our own self as possible. This quest of sorts is more than ‘being authentic’. It is about a deep inner calling to express who we truly are in all aspects of our life.

There is no one way. Therefore there is no prescription, expert nor single answer that will be the source. The only one who knows you is you. Yet with all the inputs from others, society, culture along with learning the ‘should’s’ of life we quickly forget who we are. We often find ourselves copying or trying to be like others. We also can be more concerned with what others think than our own self.

The outcome of a life not considered or self reflected on is one of default to the strongest forces around us. If that is social media, dominant people or formal rules and expectations there is little chance we are truly showing up as our self.

Not easy. Sure is worth aspiring to though.

This podcast is about helping you to remember you. The statement ‘Remembering to Be Me’ is there as a guide to you as you travel through life. Remembering is about greater awareness, clarity and confidence. It is also about confronting habits and ways we develop to avoid being our self.

As you can sense already it is not a quick fix nor one off course. Whilst such actions are definitely helpful along the way it is a commitment to personal growth that matters. Growth happens in a multitude of ways.